Tag Archives: parenting

When Fetus Ladaga Became Infant Ladaga Part 2


continued from When Fetus Ladaga Became Infant Ladaga Part 1

December 25, 2010
…So I went home and ate again.  But barely an hour after, the contractions’ duration was longer and the intervals between one another were shorter.  I texted Doc Guada again, and she told me to return to LBDH.  It was around 5 p.m. when I returned to LBDH.  Instead of getting the same female doctor, Doc Guada instructed the ER staff to get a seasoned midwife to check by how much my cervix has expanded.  And so a seasoned midwife checked my cervix (another painful lesbian experience).  The midwife said that my cervix has dilated to 5 cm (to those who do not know, active labor or the iri-iri starts when a mom’s cervix has dilated to 10 cm).  The midwife predicted that the baby may be out as early as 10 p.m.  Randy expressed that he prefers that the baby be born on Dec. 26 instead of Dec. 25, because if baby gets born on Dec. 25, his birthday wouldn’t have an “identity”.  He might have no guests on his birthday parties and he wouldn’t feel that Dec. 25 is “his day”.  So the midwfe said that Randy shouldn’t let me walk to delay my giving birth.  We talked to Doc Guada, and she instructed me to go to the Asian Hospital right away with my admitting order slip from her. Read the rest of this entry